AdWords Keyword multiplier - Firefox Extension
It allows to multiply keywords in one list for Google AdWords.
You've got to try it!

AdWords Optimization tips, tutorials and secrets. Learn how to improve quality score, build successful keyword lists, optimize AdWords campaigns. Be at the top position with AdWords Optimization
Sections: AdWords tools
Many advertisers target their campaigns to locations they don't live. So they often can't see their ads showing. But there's a solution.
For example you live in Quebec but you targeted your campaign to Toronto. So you can't see your ads as your IP address is likely to be localized in Quebec.
It exists parameters you can add at the end of the results URL in the address bar.
If you search for "buy car", the query URL will be:
If you add the parameter: &gc=1002451 you'll have results as if you were making this search from Toronto. You can easily check it, as you'll see regionally targeted ads (region names below the ad texts).
Such parameters exist for cities, regions, countries, IP addresses, US zip code and latitude&longitude...
Here are the parameters :
&ip= (Simulates an IP address)
&gl= (Specifies a country code. i.e. CA, DE, JP, etc.)
&gr= (Specifies a region code. i.e. US-CA for California)
&gc= (Specifies a city code)
&gcs= (Specifies a city name, must use gr & valid city. i.e. Palo%20Alto)
&gll= (Specifies lat & long in microdegrees. i.e. 37304332,-121393872)
&gpc= (Specifies postal code in US)
Download here the code lists :
Sections: AdWords tools
Easily check where your current IP address is located thanks to this tool.
Sections: AdWords tools
Google AdWords is globally launching a new pricing model for advertisers: Pay per Action Campaigns.
After pay-per-click and pay-per-impressions ads, advertisers are now able to pay for completed actions only (lead, sale, page view, etc.). This pricing model is available for ads displaying on the content network (publishers hosting relevant AdWords ads).
What advertisers are concerned ?
- You must use AdWords conversion tracking and have received more than 500 conversions in the last 30 days. If you comply with this, a link will be automatically activated within your interface.
How does PPA advertising work ?
As for other campaigns, you set up a daily budget. In addition to this you can decide how much you are ready to pay for a completed action on your site.
Where will PPA ads show ?
PPA ads will only show on content network. Publishers have a total control on which ads they will display in their ad units. They can select ads by keywords and browse by product category. They can also check for all pay-per-action ads from a specific advertiser.
So there is no competition with the other PPC and CPM ads.
For more information
Sections: New AdWords features
We've been asking for this feature for years, and finally it is available ! (at least for the US advertisers, and worldwide in few weeks).
By generating an AdWords report, you can now get statistics about sites from the content network having displayed your ad. Therefore we will have a total control on our ad delivery and performance. Indeed, we will be able to exclude any non-relevant website and prevent our investments from being wasted.
You can already find how to run a Placement Performance report in AdWords help center : here
And here is how to exclude websites.
Sections: Content network