AdWords Optimization has moved !!!
Please visit my new AdWords Optimization website. Find out more AdWords optimization tips and secrets to optimize your AdWords campaigns...
AdWords Optimization tips, tutorials and secrets. Learn how to improve quality score, build successful keyword lists, optimize AdWords campaigns. Be at the top position with AdWords Optimization
Please visit my new AdWords Optimization website. Find out more AdWords optimization tips and secrets to optimize your AdWords campaigns...
Sections: AdWords Optimization
Still only available for advertisers from US and Canada, this new feature should be available very soon to all AdWords advertisers.
Inside AdWords: Build your own display ads in minutes
Google AdWords team announced that they will take into account our landing page load time to calculate Quality Score (QS).
The "good news" is that they will grant advertisers a 1-month grace period. I mean if you enter the growing club of the "bad avertisers according to Google", you will have one month to make appropriate changes.
Here are basic recommandations:
Tools to optimize your landing page load time:
- Photofiltre: freeware for pictures. Compress jpeg files. Preview of jpeg file size after compression. Batch process image files.
- Web Page Analyzer : Free web page analysis tool calculates page size, composition, and download time. Gives speed recommendations based on best practices for usability, HCI, and website optimization.
Sections: AdWords tools, AdWords with Analytics
If you are an AdWords advertiser, you may already use AdWords Editor (if you don't, I can only advise to do so!
So here are the main shortcuts for AdWords Editor. Print and keep them at hand when you're optimizing your AdWords campaigns or launching new ad groups!
Ctrl+O Open account
Ctrl+R Get recent account changes
Ctrl+S Post changes
Ctrl+A Select all items in data view
Ctrl+Z Revert selected changes
Delete key Delete items
Ctrl+C Copy
Ctrl+X Cut
Ctrl+V Paste
Ctrl+K Add keyword
Ctrl+Shift+K Add multiple keywords
Ctrl+L Add negative keyword
Ctrl+Shift+L Add multiple negative keywords
Ctrl+M Add campaign negative keyword
Ctrl+Shift+L Add multiple campaign negatives
Ctrl+T Add text ad
Ctrl+Shift+T Add multiple text ads
Ctrl+G Add ad group
Ctrl+N Add campaign
Crtl+D Add draft campaign
Ctrl+W Exit Editor
Tab Switches between tree view, data view & edit panel
Ctrl+PageUp/Down If cursor is on the tab names (keywords, text ads …), then switches between tabs
Sections: AdWords Editor
Sections: AdWords Optimization
We'll see together how to optimise for a goal of CTR.
When I talk about a goal of CTR, this also contains a few other goals as well:
Sections: AdWords Optimization
You can find the detailed procedure to link or unlink an AdWords account to a Google Analytics account here:
Sections: AdWords with Analytics